I am very pleased to announce that Pioneer Water Tanks (SA) have become a reseller for the fantastic & innovative Farmbot Monitor. A 21st century way to monitor and check the water level of your watertank!

Farmbot remote monitoring solutions provides you with an accurate and reliable snapshot of all your water, anytime, anywhere.

They have an extensive range of monitoring devices that allow you to check watertank levels, diesel tank levels and trough levels aswell as a rainfall gauge and a flow & pressure rate for your pumps to see how they are preforming.

Farmbot products have been designed to withstand the most remote and harsh Aussie climates. With both satellite and cellular options available FarmBot Monitors are proven to work all across Australia.

So when you are looking at accessories for your next water tank, why not considering adding a FarmBot to your tank. Shown above is water level sensor, no longer do you need to have a level indicator hanging off the tank. These fit nearly onto the roof of your tanks. They have a built in solar panel with battery so they do not require any power connection, perfect for in the middle of a paddock!

They even come with an App to show real time usage of the water along with a past history so you can monitor and review your usage over time.

Please email at sarural@pioneertanks.com or call us on 8331 8009 if you are interested in adding this to your tank order or as a retrofit to an existing tank.